"Birds make great sky-circles
of their freedom.
How do they learn it?
They fall, and falling,
they are given wings."

-Rumi (translated by Coleman Barks)

Sunday, April 4, 2010


I've had a few requests for the lyrics to Kayla's song, so I'm re-copying them here.

Isn't it easy, when you can't control things
Life is so simple, when you pull the strings
Doesn't she realize, this is a hard fight
How can I help her see, that this is alright
She is pretty amazing
It's not that difficult of phrasing
But I know it is worth, it's worth praising
And I hope her spirits will be raising

I want to remind her
That she is my rock
I know that the cure will eventually lock
She will move mountains and climb up them too
The world is waiting for her and I always knew

This is a song about Tamra
Which only rhymes with camera
So I hope this song will get you by
Until gravity you will defy.

Quick updates: I need to stop pushing myself. Even putting the elliptical on a slightly higher elevation and resistance caused my pelvis to shift significantly. And it was no fun getting it snapped back into place. Apparently the step master and climbing is the last thing I should be working on because it's so hard on the hip flexors. Great. I will just settle for writing about mountains for now. Back to thesis. (rough draft due tomorrow!)

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