"Birds make great sky-circles
of their freedom.
How do they learn it?
They fall, and falling,
they are given wings."

-Rumi (translated by Coleman Barks)

Monday, June 8, 2009

Physical Therapy

I apologize for the lack of updating- I've been quite busy recently with work and physical therapy. So I'll quickly catch you up. I was on my couch, not really able to move much for two weeks. By the middle of that second week, I could climb stairs pretty well with my crutches and slept in my own bed. My stitches were removed which relieved a lot of the pain and tension on my hip. I was prescribed pain killers, but stopped taking them after the first few days because I could handle the pain and discomfort I was in. I did continue to take the anti-inflammatory medication for a week and half until the swelling went down. I finally started physical therapy at the end of May and am currently going three times a week at Pinnacle Physical Therapy in Lawrenceville. It's very convenient because it is ten minutes away from school. I am also very impressed with them. My PT is committed to work me hard and try and reach our goal of getting me ready for the fall tennis season. I understand I will not be playing singles, but I really hope to be able to play doubles and then recover for the spring season.

At this point I am able to ride a bike and then do various other exercises to increase the strength, flexibility, and mobility of my hip. Even better, I stay after my hour of therapy to do extra work and work with my PT to increase my upper body strength and my abs. Since it is very frustrating to be so limited in my lower body, it's nice to go all out and push myself on my upper body. This way I use that determination to strengthen my arms and not make my hip worse. I still have to be very cautious in everything I do so I do not re-tear it and start back from step one.

I was on crutches for three weeks, and then used a cane, and finally am walking with my two legs as of this past Friday. Although it's very frustrating that I cannot run or even walk on a treadmill, I'm finding other ways to keep active and get in shape. This is the schedule I have set up for myself that coincides with my work schedule. I go to physical therapy three times a week. I do my physical therapy exercises every day. I go to the gym at school three times a week and swim laps in the pool three to four times a week. I do this by putting this foam buoy between my legs, so I am solely using my arms and abs to swim. I also have water exercises I can do, such as walking forwards, backwards, and doing leg raises, using the water as resistance.

Every one keeps asking me if I have noticed any changes in my vaginal pain level or if sitting has gotten easier. Unfortunately, I do not have good news yet. In fact, I've noticed my pain level has gone up a bit. However, I have also been told not to lose hope because results aren't going to come overnight. Most see them anywhere from three months to a year post surgery. I'll be interested to see how my appointments go in the beginning of July. I go into the city for a follow-up with my surgeon, as well as a check-up with Stacey to see if things have improved. So right now I am not dwelling on any pain I may be feeling. I am just doing my best at physical therapy and trying to recuperate. Let me know if there are any questions.